Upcoming Events
Training Day
Saturday 21st November Training day – Lake Cootharaba 9am to 4pm (on water 10am). We’ve secured superstar coach Mitch Kennedy so this is definitely a training session not to be missed.
Sprint Series
Sunday 22nd November Sprint Series – Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club.
Further details and trybookings link will be sent closer to the date. A lovely excuse to stay for the weekend and for some social distancing to take place on Saturday evening. Restaurant and Club Bar will be open I’m told.
Fun Race Day
BSS (Brisbane Sailing Squadron) have a lot of sabot sailors currently in their learn to sail programs that they would like to introduce to SQSA. We are proposing a fun race morning where less experienced sailors will be partnered with our sailors for some fun races. The emphasis is on having fun on the water and introducing the kids to our awesome SQSA sailors.
Discussions have only just commenced but a proposed date was Saturday 5th December. It would be great to see as many as possible of our sailors there. I will keep you posted of details as they are firmed up.
Christmas Training / Regatta
The 125 Association have invited sabot sailors to race at Humpybong while they run their delayed Qld Titles. This will he held approx. same date’s as our Nationals usually are. At this stage there will be 3 days of training available for those who are interested at Humpybong prior to this. Let me know if you may be interested in either or both.
We’re also confirming if DPSS will have some training over the Christmas holidays.
Selection Trails
These will be held at Maryborough Sailing Club in Hervey Bay in conjunction with the Easter Regatta. This event is open to all sabot sailors regardless if they wish to attend Nationals in July or not. More details will be forwarded closer to the time but it’s a great idea to start thinking about accommodation. And parents this is a great venue to watch the kids sail directly in front while relaxing on the beach. The Easter bunny also visits the kids boats and leaves a little surprise.
The committee unanimously agreed that all current members will have their membership honoured until the 31st July 2021 due to the Nationals date change. This will allow all existing members to compete at the Nationals without having to renew memberships.